Awards and Grants
Celebrating Excellence
CSL Behring is committed to advancing scientific knowledge, fostering excellence, and supporting future medical researchers. We also support advocacy work of rare disease patient groups. Our LEAD Program in the United States tackles complex legislative and public policy issues and ensures patients’ voices are heard on Capitol Hill and in statehouses across the U.S.

Prof. Heimburger Award
Professor Dr. Norbert Heimburger, a CSL Behring employee for over three decades, devoted his work to blood coagulation during which time, he characterized and purified a large number of plasma proteins.
Learn More About This Award on CSL.comInvestigator-Initiated Studies
CSL Behring is committed to saving lives and improving the quality of life for people with rare and serious diseases worldwide. This commitment is reflected in the support for investigator-initiated studies (IIS) that advance medical and scientific knowledge of CSL Behring products and the diseases they are designed to treat. CSL Behring also supports innovative clinical and basic science studies that address important medical and scientific questions related to our therapeutic areas of interest.
Independent Medical Education
As a cornerstone of supporting our patients, CSL Behring provides funds for independent medical education activities for healthcare professionals. Funding in the form of grants and sponsorships is issued to support programs where CSL Behring does not control, influence or participate in the design of the educational activity. Supported program types include, but are not limited to, medical seminars and symposia, sessions at physician specialty meetings and conventions, and accredited web-based learning.
Publication Grants
Publication Grants are limited grants provided to investigators to support publishing retrospective data that advances science and medical knowledge across CSL Behring's areas of focus in the form of manuscripts, abstracts, posters, or oral presentations.